by Dean Walker | Oct 20, 2020 | Articles, Civil liberties, Collapse of Human Systems, Collapse of Systems, Collapse Thought Leaders, Grief, Shadow Gremlin Wetiko
CHRIS HEDGES THE POLITICS OF CULTURAL DESPAIR Chris Hedges: The Politics of Cultural Despair Chris Hedges: The Politics of Cultural Despair October 20, 2020 As our empire implodes, and with it social cohesion, we must face what is happening — not only around us— but...
by Dean Walker | Jun 29, 2020 | Articles, Collapse of Earth Systems, Collapse of Human Systems, Collapse of Systems, Collapse Thought Leaders, Deep Adaptation
Jem Bendell’s most extensive addendum yet, to his original Deep Adaptation paper. In this audio version, Michael Dowd reads Bendell’s article. You would be wise to check out the large number of collapse-aware articles and books that Michael Dowd has...
by Dean Walker | Jun 26, 2020 | Articles, Collapse of Earth Systems, Collapse of Human Systems, Collapse of Systems, Collapse Thought Leaders, Sober Data
As The World Burns As The World Burns Decades of unfairness are now boiling over in the United States in the form of protests, riots, burning buildings and violence. Minneapolis is on fire – literally – and the unrest has spread to numerous other major cities. Last...
by Dean Walker | Jun 26, 2020 | Articles, Collapse Aware, Collapse of Earth Systems, Collapse of Human Systems, Collapse of Systems, Collapse Thought Leaders, Sober Data
Collapse of Civilization is the most likely outcome JUNE 2020 ‘Collapse of Civilisation is the Most Likely Outcome’: Top Climate Scientists Asher...
by Dean Walker | Dec 22, 2019 | Articles, Collapse of Earth Systems, Collapse of Human Systems, Collapse of Systems, Collapse Thought Leaders, Manifestos, Shadow Gremlin Wetiko, Sober Data, The Impossible Conversation
This essay, while a bit dated, is still spot-on as a layout of what got us into this predicament. I have also posted this essay on my Resources Page under the category, Manifestos. A very clear description of exponential growth and the limits to growth… and how...
by Dean Walker | Dec 19, 2019 | Articles, Collapse Aware, Collapse of Earth Systems, Collapse of Human Systems, Grief, Poetry of Predicament Podcast, Reconnect With Self, Resilience
Anxiety and finding meaning in a collapsing climate Leonie Joubert End-of-life anxiety and finding meaning in a collapsing climate Leonie Joubert End-of-life anxiety and finding meaning in a collapsing climate A link to an audio recording of this article:...