by Dean Walker | Dec 14, 2019 | Articles, Collapse of Earth Systems, Collapse of Human Systems, Collapse Thought Leaders, Deep Academy, Grief, Reconnect With Others
Refiguring Finding humanity in an age of extinction Jeppe Dyrendom Graugaard ____________ Read the original posting here: Listen to an audio recording of the author reading...
by Dean Walker | Jul 10, 2019 | Articles, Grief
It’s the End of the World as They Know It The distinct burden of being a climate scientist Story by David Corn; Photos by Devin Yalkin July 8, 2019 (read this story in the original form in Mother Jones) On election night 2016, Kim Cobb, a professor at the...
by Dean Walker | May 23, 2019 | Articles, Grief, Psycho-Spritual Resources, Reconnect With Self
Gillian Caldwell Coming out of the closet: my climate trauma (and yours?) Gillian Caldwell – 2009 Coming out of the closet: my climate trauma (and yours?) (Read this article in its original form – 1Sky) I have spent my lifetime face to face with...
by Dean Walker | Apr 9, 2019 | Articles, Deep Adaptation, Grief, Inspiration and Reconnection
(Read this article in Truthout) Another extraordinary posting in Barbara Ceclil and Dahr Jamail’s Truthout series, “How then shall we live?”… What is our calling in these times? How can we reconnect with our own deeper selves, other people and...
by Dean Walker | Mar 20, 2019 | Articles, Deep Adaptation, Grief
(Read the article in Truthout here) In this excerpt from The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption, author Dahr Jamail explains how he learned to process the heartbreaking truth of inevitable climate destruction and the...
by Dean Walker | Mar 20, 2019 | Articles, Deep Adaptation, Grief, Poetry of Predicament Podcast
As posted in Truthout. March 2019. Expanding on the remarkable power of his recent book, The End of Ice:Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption, Dahr Jamail speaks from his experience of these times and our predicaments, and generously...