by Dean Walker | Apr 9, 2019 | Articles, Collapse of Systems
One of the boldest climate scientists and science communicators in the world. Kevin Anderson presents bold, clear, proposals to make real change happen in this predicament-laden world.This presentation is a strong example of his innovative and no-bullshit style of...
by Dean Walker | Mar 26, 2019 | Articles
(Read the original letter in The Guardian) We, the young, are deeply concerned about our future. Humanity is currently causing the sixth mass extinction of species and the global climate system is at the brink of a catastrophic crisis. Its devastating impacts are...
by Dean Walker | Feb 4, 2019 | Articles, Inspiration and Reconnection A strong bunch of poetry read with heart and skill. A wonderful relief from the Business as Usual world. Enjoy. __________...
by Dean Walker | Jan 27, 2019 | Articles, Climate denial
(read this in the New York Times oped) The Trump administration is, it goes without saying, deeply anti-science. In fact, it’s anti-objective reality. But its control of the government remains limited; it didn’t extend far enough to prevent the release of the latest...
by Carolyn Baker | Oct 31, 2017 | Articles, Grief, Reconnect With Earth, Reconnect With Others, Reconnect With Self
Anthropocene: relating to or denoting the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment. The call came a little before 5 am, the morning of Monday, October 9. I stumbled...