by Dean Walker | Jan 21, 2019 | Articles, Grief, Species Extinction
Reposted from Truthout In this excerpt from The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption, author Dahr Jamail explains how he learned to process the heartbreaking truth of inevitable climate destruction and the possibility of...
by Dean Walker | Jan 5, 2019 | Articles, Grief, Species Extinction
Deena Metzger. Tikkun Magazine “Everyone says climate is the most important issue of all, and yet they just carry on as before. I don’t understand that. Because if the emissions have to stop, then we must stop the emissions. To me that is black or white. There are no...
by Dean Walker | Dec 26, 2018 | Articles, Grief
(Read original article in Scientific American) Kate Marvel. December 25, 2018 It’s six in the morning of the shortest day of the year. The sky is dark. When the sun finally rises it will disappear behind leaden gray clouds and tall gray buildings streaked with rust....
by Dean Walker | Dec 24, 2018 | Articles, Grief
(Read the original in Slate) This extraordinary article is a superlative example of how our mortality can transform us, humble us, fill us with grace and kindness… even as it is kicking our ass. March 2018. I was dying. Not just in the way that we’re all inching...
by Dean Walker | Dec 19, 2018 | Articles, Grief
Some People Wake Up: Reflections on Initiation ©Francis Weller Again and again Some people wake up. They have no ground in the crowd And they emerge according to broader laws. They carry strange customs with them, And demand room for bold gestures. The future speaks...