The Five Most Important Climate Change Facts – Job One for Humanity February 2019

Feb 1, 2019 | Articles, Deep Adaptation, Grief

(Read the original article here)


The 5 Most Important (and shocking) Global Warming Facts


This article not only sums up the most important things to know about global warming, it also simplifies the core message of our website. It is intended to assist mature and intelligent individuals review difficult but accurate global warming facts so that they may better adapt and adjust their lives accordingly.

For many individuals, the 5 most important facts about global warming will dramatically upend their current beliefs about global warming as well as what is being done about it.

You will soon learn that there are many critical things that need to be done by our governments concerning global warming which are not being done. Luckily, there are still important things you can individually do to protect yourself and your loved ones. (This will be described near the end of this article.)

There is good news too. We can still cooperate to slow global warming down and we can still have rich and meaningful lives while we do our best to manage what we still can.

Please do not believe that we are asking you to blindly believe the following 5 facts without also reviewing the provided links to the science and analysis which supports the validity of each fact. We sincerely challenge you to also review the expanded explanations for each fact and each fact’s linked documentation (found just below the summary of 5 facts,) and then come to your own conclusions.

A summary of the 5 most important and shocking global warming facts: 

Fact 1: We are not being told the painful truth by our governments, our intelligence agencies or even our biggest environmental groups about how bad global warming currently is and more importantly, how bad it’s going to get in the near future.

Fact 2: Because of our long delay in fixing this crisis, many global warming consequences are not only going to be far worse than we are being told, they also are coming far sooner than we are being told.

Fact 3: We have, unfortunately, missed our critical “window of opportunity” to effectively manage global warming and prevent most of its worst consequences and crossed tipping points from occurring. (These worst consequences are in effect, out of our meaningful control for at least the next 50 years.)

Fact 4: If we act immediately and correctly, we may still have a small amount of time to slow down these unavoidable worst global warming consequences just enough to protect ourselves and maximize the chances of staying out of harm’s way. (This is possible even though much of humanity will suffer and die far sooner than anyone is ready for.)

Fact 5: There is still no guarantee that we will act any differently than we have for the last 35 years and slow down global warming enough to prevent a fast track to extinction. Therefore, it is time for rational, wise and mature individuals to begin creating personal emergency backup plans and preparations so that they are able to protect themselves and maximize the chances of staying out of harm’s way. This emergency preparation will include migrating to safer areas for much of humanity.

In the expanded 5 fact explanations below, you will find more positive news. At the very end of this document, you will also find important tips on how to better psychologically and emotionally digest this new reality of global warming.

The expanded 5 most important global warming facts with their verification and action links

Fact 1: We are not being told the painful truth by our governments, our intelligence agencies or even our biggest environmental groups about how bad global warming currently is and more importantly, how bad it’s going to get in the near future.

These falsehoods about global warming will increasingly cause extreme suffering and loss to larger and larger percentages of humanity. In part, these false statements exist because there have been numerous government underestimation errors and intentionallyinappropriate and incomplete calculations concerning the necessary fossil fuel reduction targets given to the public.

There has also been significant deception regarding the real consequences of the current escalating global warming. This government-sponsored inaccurate information creates the false belief that things are better than they really are.

This also makes us believe that we are making sufficient and steady progress in reducing global warming when the hard truth is we are not. We are not anywhere even close to where we should be in fossil fuel use reductions to save us from unthinkable climate catastrophes and extinction.

Click here to review and verify these global government supported underestimation errors.

Click here to review the intentional inappropriate or incomplete global government supported calculations used to create the false belief that things are far better than they really are.

Something to think about once you have read the above documentation links on the underestimation, and inappropriate or incomplete calculations:

a. Can you imagine what the reasons might be for why our governments and their intelligence agencies would publically give us and support such grossly underestimated global warming threat assessments and inadequate solutions when the actual threat is so much more severe?

b. Who (what types of individuals, government departments and corporations,) would benefit most by providing such false and grossly misleading information to the public?

Fact 2: Because of our long delay in fixing this crisis, many global warming consequences are not only going to be far worse than we are being told, they also are coming far sooner than we are being told.

The worst consequences of global warming will not be occurring around 2100 as we are now being told by our governments. They will be starting to occur as soon as the next 10 to 30 years in a continually worsening cycle.

Click here to review the 20 worst global warming consequences that will continue to increase in severity, frequency, and scale (area affected.)

Click here for the worst cataclysmic consequences derived from global warming tipping points that will also continue to increase in severity, frequency, and scale. (Crossing more major global warming tipping points also produces additional, unique and hyper-intense extinction-evoking consequences.)

Click here to see the real time frames in which the many worst global warming consequences will be unfolding.

Fact 3: We have, unfortunately, missed our critical “window of opportunity” to effectively manage global warming and prevent most of its worst consequences and crossed tipping points from occurring. (These worst consequences are in effect, out of our meaningful control for at least the next 50 years.)

In part, this is because the real facts and true urgency was hidden from us about the global warming crisis by our governments and the fossil fuel industry. We did not do what was necessary to resolve global warming over the last 35 years after we were informed about it by our scientists. We have squandered the time that could have been used while the cure was still manageable.

Saddest of all, we are still trying to do far too little far too late. Had we started fixing global warming gradually and effectively 35  years ago, we would still have had a good chance of doing so now.

In part, what out of meaningful control means is that average global temperatures will continue increasing for at least another 50 years and there will be a series of cataclysmic consequences and more extinction-evoking global warming tipping points will be crossed that can not be stopped or avoided! 

Click here to see review the many reasons why global warming is now out of control for at least the next 50 years and a series of cataclysmic consequences and extinction-evoking tipping points cannot at this point be stopped or avoided! 

Below please find the best estimates for time frames in which average global temperatures will continue to increase for at least another 50 years.


Click here to see how the global warming consequences and tipping points will unfold in what’s called the Climageddon Scenario.

Fact 4: If we act immediately and correctly, we may still have a small amount of time to slow down the unavoidable worst global warming consequences just enough to protect ourselves and maximize the chances of staying out of harm’s way. (This is possible even though much, if not most of humanity will suffer and die far sooner than anyone is ready for.) 

Because we have squandered our last 35 years of warnings with denial, inaction, and ineffective action we can’t stop what is coming and what is already locked into our climate system. But luckily, we can still aggressively try to slow down the now unavoidableconsequences so that, at least we can salvage whatever we can.

We slow down what is coming and prepare for it by:

a. immediately and radically reducing our fossil fuel use to the correct reduction levels, (The absolute minimal amount we need to reduce fossil fuel use to prevent ourselves from being very likely to go extinct is as follows.

1. All developed nations must reduce their fossil fuel use by 75 percent by 2025 and then continue reducing fossil fuel use to zero by 2035. This means that allindividuals and businesses within the developing nations of the world must meet these reduction goals.

2. All developing nations must maintain their fossil fuel use levels as they are at the beginning of 2019 and not allow them to go any higher.

3. Part of this equation requires that both China and India no longer be considered developing nations but are immediately transferred into the column for fossil fuel reduction requirements for all other developed nations. This shockingly large and radical amount of fossil fuel use reduction is now needed because our past and current gradual and painless reductions are not even close to what is needed.)

b. instituting a government-directed “in-case we fail” backup plan. (With this government-directed failsafe and backup plan we may still be able to save and salvageenough of humanity and civilization in case we once again delay and deny and fail to reduce fossil fuel emissions adequately.)

Click here to see what exactly what those radical fossil fuel reductions entail and what the government directed failsafe backup plan preparations must be.

Martin Luther King said something that is equally applicable today to the urgency of slowing down global warming enough so that at least some of humanity and civilization will go on.

“We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. Procrastination is still the thief of time… We must move past indecision to [immediate] action.

Fact 5: There is still no guarantee that we will act any differently than we have for the last 35 years and slow down global warming enough to prevent a fast track to extinction. Therefore, it is time for rational, wise and mature individuals to begin creating personal emergency backup plans and preparations so that they are able to protect themselves and maximize the chances of staying out of harm’s way. This emergency preparation will include migrating to safer areas for much of humanity.

It is unwise to rely exclusively or primarily on our governments as this emergency worsens. They will never be able to reach and care for every citizen.

Having a personal plan and preparations is how you will be able to save and salvage as much of your personal life and your loved ones as is possible. This plan and prepare action is critical because most individuals and businesses are currently nowhere even close to being prepared for the severity of the unavoidable catastrophic consequences that are arriving soon.


Additionally, because of the high probability of as much as 70 to 90 percent of humanity suffering and dying within the global warming unsafe zones within as little as the next 30 to 50 years, it is critical to begin now to prepare your own personal Plan B and emergency backup plan.

This emergency plan and preparation is particularly important if you also happen to live in one of the global warming unsafe zones. If so, your personal back up plan would also have to include migration from global warming unsafe zones to global warming safer zones before it is too late. 

The time remaining in which to make these personal emergency preparations or to migrateto the limited global warming safe zones is exceedingly short because of factors like immigration regulations in the global warming safe zones already becoming more restricted as well as future legal immigration becoming all but impossible as the emergency worsens. If you look closely, you can already see many areas of our overheating world where what will soon be called the greatest migration in human history of climagees has already begun. (Global warming climate crisis-related refugees are called climagees.)

Click here to learn about your needed personal emergency preparations and the factors behind the short timeframes for people living in global warming unsafe zonesto assemble their emergency plan B preparations and migrate to safer zones. These Plan B personal emergency preparations will also include information on how you can physically, emotionally thrive and survive through the waves of economic, social and political trauma as well as the physical loss, and suffering that is coming.

A bit more good news

The good news here is that no matter what, even in spite of how difficult this emergency is and will become, we can still cooperate to slow it down and have good and meaningful lives for as long as is possible.

Click here for what you can still do individually to slow down global warming.

Click here if you are of a faith-based person or of a spiritual nature for a positive and helpful framework for how to make the best of this emergency. It will take you to our sister website that deals with the global warming emergency more from a philosophic and spiritual perspective.

With the information in the links above, you are now better…

What’s Next?

Some of you have already reviewed the supporting science and analysis links provided above and you will soon begin the fossil fuel reduction actions and other solution options also found within the links above. Well done! You will reap the benefits.

Some of you will not review the science and analysis verification links. This avoidance may only provide a brief escape from the discomfort of knowing the difficult facts listed above are true as well as acting appropriately using this information. Over time, as you watch the worsening news reports about the destabilization of our climate, the five facts above will begin to ring true and hopefully, you will remember this page so that you and your loved ones will know what to do.

If you’re feeling fearful, upset, in denial, angry or anxious about what you have read

We have given you horrible news to digest. Even if you are a wise, mature and healthy individual, if you’re like most people, what you just read will cause you to react with shock and denial and other difficult emotions.

If you have the tenacity to keep learning more concerning the validity of the 5 facts described above, you will likely next become frustrated and angry at “how could we (our politicians and governments,) ever allow this to happen.”

If you still continue processing the facts above, you will most likely then enter into a bargaining or experimenting phase to find some kind of a way to deal with such disturbing and disruptive information.

If you still continue researching and verifying what you read, you will most likely next enter into a transitional feeling of grief or depression.

As you work your way through your grief or depression, you will eventually come to a level of acceptance of what is scientifically accurate, but currently is being widely suppressed by the fossil fuel industry, mass media, and the many politicians around the world owned by the fossil fuel industry.

Once you finally reach the level of acceptance for what you have read above, you may likely begin the process of experimenting with new ways to live more sustainably and you will likely begin making new decisions to adapt and integrate this critical information into your life and businesses in other ways. You may also begin emergency preparations for the unavoidable and unconscionable global warming consequences described in the links above so that you are better able to protect yourself and maximize the chances of staying out of harm’s way.

The 5 main emotional transition levels above are key parts of the Kubler Ross model. Over time, it will help you understand and deal with the global warming denial, anger, fear, grief or anxiety any healthy person would experience once they truly realize the truth of what we are saying and how dire our current situation really is.

Even though the Kubler Ross model is the emotional model commonly being used to help people deal with news from their doctor that they are going to die over some known time period. It still has relevance. This is because you will likely go through these emotional phases over and over again as you wrestle with this unbearable burden of global warming knowledge.

Once you truly grasp the true scale and seriousness of our rapidly escalating global warming emergency by working through your emotional reaction to it, you too will realize that our lives and our children’s lives are clearly going to be far more time-limited than we ever imagined unless we act immediately to radically reduce fossil fuel use.


The Job One for Humanity research team