Safe Circle
Deep Listening and Support.
Reconnection with Self and Others.
Safe Circle is for people who desire companionship in the often lonely world of the Collapse-Aware. These online video support calls were created for people who enjoy the authentic presence of kindred spirits as we face our predicament-laden world together.
Safe Circle started a few years ago after one of our online symposia for collapse-aware people. After a few weeks of regular connection and the remarkable sharing between each of us, participants and the guest speakers alike, many of us felt a real missing. We wanted some way to stay connected and rekindle the bonding and support we had experienced in the symposium.
Obviously these weekly, 90 minute-long, online, video conference calls are not enough connection or direct relationship to fully satisfy our individual need for community and right-relationship in these troubled times. And it has been said a thousand times now, these calls are far better than the alternative… for many there is no connection at all.
It is no small irony that these calls, designed to address the most important and potentially depressing topic in human history, can so often be filled with warm curiosity, deep respect, bearing witness, and even core joy. These feelings are organically blended into the sharing of the more predictable feelings of grief, despair, anger, and the like.
Sign Up for Safe Circle Calls
Every Tuesday @ 5pm-6:30pm Pacific Time
These are Zoom video calls. By signing up here you will be receiving a weekly (usually Mondays) email invitation. In that invitation you will find the Zoom links for the calls.
You will also receive our weekly offering of links to related content that may be informative, moving, even enchanting or amusing.
You are welcome to invite friends and loved ones to join into any given call as well.
We look forward to seeing you on a Safe Circle Call in the near future.
Thank you for your interest in participating in, and holding-space in, these supportive calls.
You are welcome to share your experience of any Safe Circle Call but not to share any content that somehow reveals the identity or personal concerns or expression of any other caller.
Honoring Boundaries
Each person shall enjoy their own time for sharing. When a person checks-in, shares or checks-out it will not be considered an invitation for response, debate, inquiry, conversation, argument or suggested fixes. Responses will only be appropriate when invited by the person sharing.
In this online space it is too easy to stay anonymous in a typical chat environment. In each call we will start and end with a Check-In and Check-Out. In their briefest form this means each person will check-in (or out) stating their name, where they are calling from and perhaps a word or two about how they are doing in that moment. If we do additional, facilitated sharing activities all participants will have the option to “pass” in that activity. The Check-Ins and Check-Outs, however, we do not consider optional.
Loving Kindness & Gratitude
Perhaps the simplest and strongest practice we can bring to each other on these calls is our expression of gratitude and loving kindness. Some days we are better at remembering this than others. We ask an agreement to bring our highest and best regarding, respect, Loving Kindness and Gratitude – to each call.
We ask that each of us express ourselves in a way that the speaker is responsible (to the best of their ability) for their own feelings, experience and reactions as they are shared in the circle. This essentially asks that the circle not be used for gossip, projection, long-winded ranting or lecturing the circle.