All the Bunnies in the Meadow Die…Sid Smith

All the Bunnies in the Meadow Die…Sid Smith

This essay, while a bit dated, is still spot-on as a layout of what got us into this predicament. I have also posted this essay on my Resources Page under the category, Manifestos. A very clear description of exponential growth and the limits to growth… and how...
End-of-life anxiety and finding meaning in a collapsing climate.        Leonie Joubert

End-of-life anxiety and finding meaning in a collapsing climate. Leonie Joubert

Anxiety and finding meaning in a collapsing climate Leonie Joubert End-of-life anxiety and finding meaning in a collapsing climate Leonie Joubert End-of-life anxiety and finding meaning in a collapsing climate A link to an audio recording of this article:...
The Conversation We Need to Have With Our Children About Climate Change

The Conversation We Need to Have With Our Children About Climate Change

Refiguring Finding humanity in an age of extinction Jeppe Dyrendom Graugaard ____________   Read the original posting here: Listen to an audio recording of the author reading...