by Dean Walker | May 25, 2019 | Articles, Collapse of Earth Systems, Collapse of Human Systems, Collapse Thought Leaders, Deep Academy, Manifestos, Reconnect With Earth, Reconnect With Others
How to Build a 21st Century Organization Why the Challenge of Now is Building Eudaimonic Institutions May 2019. Some of you have recently been complaining: “aaaruughh! It’s too depressing! I feel so daunted after reading your stuff I don’t know where to...
by Dean Walker | May 23, 2019 | Articles, Coaching, Deep Adaptation, Inspiration and Reconnection, Manifestos, Reconnect With Others, Reconnect With Self
(To read this article in Medium) I’m writing this from my little desk in my children’s ‘reading room’ (where we also keep the xbox). I’m surrounded by their books, piled up on shelves, scattered on the floor. ‘Brave Bitsy and the Bear’ gawps at me as I tap at...
by Dean Walker | May 23, 2019 | Articles, Grief, Psycho-Spritual Resources, Reconnect With Self
Gillian Caldwell Coming out of the closet: my climate trauma (and yours?) Gillian Caldwell – 2009 Coming out of the closet: my climate trauma (and yours?) (Read this article in its original form – 1Sky) I have spent my lifetime face to face with...
by Dean Walker | May 14, 2019 | Uncategorized
Conceptually Mapping Collapse, Transformation and Conscious Evolution for Coaches. There seems to be a rapidly developing, necessary response to supporting and processing ‘grief for the world in collapse’. Grief – as an umbrella term for fear, anger, despair...
by Dean Walker | May 14, 2019 | Uncategorized
Zhiwa Woodbury Ecopsychology and its relevance to climate crisis. Western psychology began with Freud and his discovery that childhood trauma was the reason that so many women in late 19th Century Europe were exhibiting fits of hysteria. ...