by Dean Walker | Jul 1, 2021 | Articles, Climate denial, Collapse of Earth Systems, Collapse of Human Systems, Collapse of Systems, Collapse Thought Leaders, Reconnect With Others
BE AFRAID BUT NOT THAT AFRAID On Climate Doom Short link to original piece… Be Afraid! But not that afraid? – on Climate Doom _____ Be Afraid! But not that afraid? – on Climate Doom Be Afraid! But not that afraid? – on Climate Doom. by ZML...
by Dean Walker | Dec 7, 2020 | Articles, Collapse of Earth Systems, Collapse of Human Systems, Collapse of Systems, Collapse Thought Leaders, Deep Academy, Deep Adaptation, Manifestos, Reconnect With Others International Scholars Warning on Societal Disruption and Collapse A public letter signed by over 250 scientists and scholars from 30 countries, calls on policy makers to engage more with the...
by Dean Walker | Oct 20, 2020 | Articles, Climate denial, Collapse of Earth Systems, Collapse of Systems, Collapse Thought Leaders, Grief, Inspiration and Reconnection, Species Extinction The great unravelling: ‘I never thought I’d live to see the horror of planetary...
by Dean Walker | Oct 20, 2020 | Articles, Civil liberties, Collapse of Human Systems, Collapse of Systems, Collapse Thought Leaders, Grief, Shadow Gremlin Wetiko
CHRIS HEDGES THE POLITICS OF CULTURAL DESPAIR Chris Hedges: The Politics of Cultural Despair Chris Hedges: The Politics of Cultural Despair October 20, 2020 As our empire implodes, and with it social cohesion, we must face what is happening — not only around us— but...
by Dean Walker | Aug 11, 2020 | Articles, Deep Academy, Grief
To read the original of this article: Why activism isn’t *really* the cure for eco-anxiety and eco-grief It can certainly help tame difficult emotions but we...