This already strong article has been amplified by some fine reading and video accompaniment.

This article is one of the small handful of articles I am using as source material for the new book and workbook combination coming out Q1 of 2019.

“How Extreme Weather Is Shrinking the Planet” is based on an article written by Bill McKibben which was published in the New Yorker for the issue for November 26, 2018.

Full article “How Extreme Weather Is Shrinking the Planet” can be found here:…

“How Extreme Weather Is Shrinking the Planet” is a co-production and created by eco-information activist, Jennifer Hynes and WIGO Voices of Dissent Host / mover and shaker, Dougie The Abolitionist. Jennifer Hynes is known worldwide for her Methane Monster videos, as well as a commentator and sought-after guest about abrupt climate change and its dire consequences to humanity. Dougie The Abolitionist is the host of Voices of Dissent,, which is hosted each Saturday afternoon on WIGO AM 1570 in Atlanta, Georgia.